of girls, guns and gadgets......
Funny how things turn out. when James Bond started out onscreen in 1963, he was just a spy. he had only one bond girl and no gadgets whatsoever. infact, he had no gadgets in the next movie. and his body count when it comes to bond girls was a paltry 2, from both movies. infact, James Bond never had more than one girl till the 14th James Bond movie, A View To a Ki
ll, where, a painfully old looking Roger Moore, 58, was sporting two girls young enough to be his daughters by his side. then with that, Roger Moore bid adieu too the role and Timothy Dalton stepped in, and he did a fine job as James Bond, though not very successful. Timothy Dalton(left) is my favorite actor to play James
Bond thus far. and Roger Moore would be my least favorite actor. after Licence To Kill was released in 1989, there was a long gap of 6 years. Timothy Dalton decided by then that he was too old, and retired from the role. then, the popular choice for the role, Pierce Brosnan Stepped in, and boy!! did he do a fine job with his role or what. Pierce Brosnan's movies are criticized by most people as being too fantastic and relying too much on special effects and gadgets. but they fail to realize that he had no choice. he was given the script and told to act it out. with the brosnan era, there were two regular Bond girls, one of whom, more often th
an not, would turn out to be a bad seed. in Goldeneye, Xenia Onatopp, played by Famke Janssen turned out to be a traitor. in The World Is Not Enough it was the turn of Elektra King, played by Sophie Marceau(right), who in my opinion is the most stunning woman to grace the 007 screen. and then, in one of the campiest 007 movies, Miranda Frost, played by Rosamund Pike, turned sour.
one thing that remained constant right from the first movie to the twentieth movie has to be James Bond's trusted little friend, his gun. a Walther PPK. Cute li'l thing really. judge
for urself. but the gadgets, they just got crazier and more fantastic. right from a jetpack to an invisible car, James Bond has seen it all. good thing that the producers have denied entry to any gadgets in the upcoming film, Casino Royale. so now James Bond has to rely on his wits, instincts and himself to get out of any tight situation. and here's my prediction, Daniel Craig is gonna rock in this role. He's gonna make the best James Bond there ever was.
in my next post, i'm gonna talk about the man himself, James Bond. i'll be comparing the onscreen character to the literary character. and also on how the onscreen character has changed through 5 actors. until then, cheerio.

one thing that remained constant right from the first movie to the twentieth movie has to be James Bond's trusted little friend, his gun. a Walther PPK. Cute li'l thing really. judge

in my next post, i'm gonna talk about the man himself, James Bond. i'll be comparing the onscreen character to the literary character. and also on how the onscreen character has changed through 5 actors. until then, cheerio.
Loved ur article, except the one silly comment on Roger! Roger was of-course a successful Bond!!
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